virus captcha



Instructions: In an effort to protect our website from automated bots and potential threats, we have implemented a unique security measure called "Virus CAPTCHA." Please follow the instructions below to pass the CAPTCHA test and access the content.

1. Identify the Infected Files:

- You will be presented with a list of files. Your task is to identify the files that have been infected with viruses. These files will be marked with a red warning icon (🛑). Click on the checkboxes next to the infected files to select them.

2. Quarantine the Viruses:

- Once you have identified the infected files, click on the "Quarantine" button at the bottom of the list. This will remove the viruses from the selected files and protect our website from potential harm.

3. Spot the Suspicious Code:

- In addition to infected files, there may be some suspicious code snippets displayed. Your goal is to determine whether each code snippet is malicious or not. Malicious code can be used to exploit vulnerabilities, so it's crucial to identify them accurately.

4. Enter the Correct Captcha Code:

- To finalize the verification process, enter the CAPTCHA code provided below the file list correctly. Pay close attention to any case-sensitive characters and special symbols.

Please remember that this security measure is essential to maintain the integrity of our website and ensure the safety of all users. Your cooperation is highly appreciated.

[CAPTCHA Code: V1RuS_cApTcHa]

(Note: The CAPTCHA code provided above is for illustrative purposes only and may not be used in real applications.)

Thank you for helping us keep our platform secure!